Well, Hi! I’ve already passed from high school. Yeaayy!! And... I’m a colleger now^^
It was not so easy to be like this. Seriously! I got caught up in
incredible madness for couple months. I was faced with many choices of
universities and majors. And finally, I was accepted in the faculty of
health, department of pharmacy. Well, it
was unexpected. You know which university?
Okay... I’d love to introduce my new university, proudly... This is
This is University of
Muhammadiyah Malang or UMM. Have you seen or heard about this university? If
no, Gosh! Where do you live? (lol! Kidding :P). This is one of private
universities in Malang. Well, I’ll start from the history of UMM.
Based on the short history of UMM
what I read before, UMM was founded in 1964 and just had three faculties,
Laws,Economics and Teacher Training and Education (Islamic Education
Department). Then in 1968-1975 it added
two faculties, Social and Political Science and Islamic Studies. In 1975-1977
it got two more faculties, Agriculture and Engineering. Then during the period
1983 to 2000 it opened some faculties, Psychology, D3-Nurse, Animal Husbandary
and Medical. And about my department, the pharmacy program became a part of
faculty of health in 2007. In 2009 the leader of UMM merged the faculty of
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry-Fishery which became the faculty of
Agricomplex to accord with a consortium of Agricultural Science. And in
this year, in 2013, I heard UMM added new programs, but I don’t really know
about it. Well, we can see that this university continues to grow fairly well.
So proud of being student of UMM. Yeaaayy! *applause
Now,let’s check about the meaning
of UMM symbol.
This is it! Based the information
I read, the arabic text, “Muhammadiyah” represents the followers of the prophet
Muhammad’s teaching. Twelve lines of sunlight mean Muhammadiyah was found in
1912. Two sentences of syahadatan represent a pledge in islamic teaching, as
testimony that Allah is the only one God and Muhammad is a Allah’s messenger.
Rice and Cotton mean struggle of justice and prosperity in the form of food and
And last thing of this university I will show you. It's the important one, without it the university wouldn't have the purpose. The Vision and Mission of UMM. Check it out!
The Vision :
Become a leading university in the development of science, technology and art (IPTEKS) based on the Islamic values.
The Missions :
- To conduct quality education
- To conduct research and community service to improve human welfare
- To carry out trustworthy university management.
- To organized academic community to live islamic life so they can be good role models for others. (Uswah Khasanah).
- To organized mutual cooperation with other parties in the development of science, technology and arts ( IPTEKS).
Wow! What a long introduction! lol! This is it the short description about my campus, UMM. If you are curious about the more information just find out here umm.ac.id just one click ^.~
It's just like say 'WELCOME'.
It's just like say 'WELCOME'.
Source : http://www.umm.ac.id
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