Thursday, 29 August 2013

Perkembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan Di Bidang Farmasi

Well guys, this time I wanna talk little bit about my department. Yap! Pharmacy, the development of science in the field of pharmacy, precisely. Because I'm trying to love this field right now so I have to find out more about this thing.

Jejaring Sosial : Teman atau Musuh?

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

UMM : 'Welcome New Thing'

Well, Hi! I’ve already passed from high school.  Yeaayy!! And... I’m a colleger now^^
It was not so easy to be like this. Seriously! I got caught up in incredible madness for couple months. I was faced with many choices of universities and majors. And finally, I was accepted in the faculty of health,  department of pharmacy. Well, it was unexpected. You know which university? 
Okay... I’d love to introduce my new university, proudly... This is it!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Konnichiwa Sekai^^

Hi! Hajimemashite^^ watashi wa Alisha Azizah desu.